Florissant Historical Marker
Loretto Academy

Loretto Academy, Florissant, MO

Loretto Academy - walkway through grounds between Shrine and Academy. Approx. 1910.

St. Ferdinand Church & Loretto Academy - photo taken 1912 - 1918 .

Loretto Academy - gate at St. Charles Street, looking west.
On this site in 1882, the Sisters of Loretto built a five-story building to be used as the Sisters of Loretto Academy. Young ladies acquired a quality education as well as “the accomplishments which help to form the able, virtuous woman.” Tuition was high at $100 for 20 weeks, including board and laundry. In 1919, the school was destroyed by fire. There were no fatalities, however; the school was completely destroyed. The responding fire department came from as far as St. Louis. This event encouraged interested citizens to organize the Florissant Valley Volunteer Fire Department, which provided fire protection until the present district was established in 1950.
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